Monday, March 25, 2013


Sorry I have not posted in quite some time but I haven't really been working on anything since I've moving to the Wisconsin Dells! And have spent most of my time going through my stuff and decided what to get rid of and what to pack. Hopefully I will start vlogging soon, which I'm excited about. So subscribe to my Youtube channel and I'll get the ball rolling on getting some vids out there. Want to hear something crazy? Last Wednesday, the building, three buildings over from mine burnt down. And I didn't even know it was on fire until like and hour after the fire started....yeah... But it was pretty crazy and it smelt really bad in my apartment the next day. So that's all I got for today. Have a great Monday my peeps. :D

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sushi Scarf

I crocheted this scarf. I thought the pattern was pretty cool and adorable, and I just happened to have the right colors in some bags of yarn I got from my great-aunt. So this scarf was totally made with left over yarn and that made me really happy because I don't really like being wasteful, that's something I kinda learned from my mom's side of the family.

First World Promblems

This is a Pop-tart iPod holder I made for my younger sister for Christmas. Her favorite kind is the Wildberry  so that's what it's supposed to look like. She wanted me to make her something and I delivered. This is the first thing I knitted that I made the pattern for. Basically what I did was knitted a long rectangle and then folded it in half and sewed up the sides. As far as I'm aware, she still uses it, which is pretty cool since I made it about two years ago.
On a different note, do you want to know something really frustrating?
Well, I wrecked my keyboard, so I had to buy a new one like a week ago or so and unsuspectingly I got one that has a giant "enter" key, which drives me crazy and if I would have realized it, I wouldn't have gotten this key board. And because it has the stupid giant "enter" key, the backslash (this one: \ ), is now squished up by the backspace key, and that drives my absolutely bonkers because I'm used to having a bigger backspace key and every time I try to delete mistakes I get this " \\\\\\"!!! I'm not even joking. Man, first world problems right here.

Legend of Zelda

So here's a project I need to come back to, I was making a Legend of Zelda bomb bag, I only have one bomb made, but I have to drawstring pouch made though. Yeah, I'm really good at starting a project, and then just not finishing it. Because really, how hard would it be to finish 2 more bombs (I wanted a total of 3)? Maybe posting this will give me to motivation to finish it.


That's right, I finished the Darkness Redness Whiteness Scarf (minus weaving in the ends) but hey that's still pretty cool. I finished it at like 6 am today, because I stayed up all night, and then I tried to take a nap before I worked at 9 am, totally failed at that and ended up being late. But other than that I have been having a fantastic week. Did I tell you that my camera magically decided to fix itself, it's that awesome? And I got the picture uploader to work again, obviously, I mean come on, I really want pics on my blog. Although I can't upload them directly from my camera? I don't know, I'll figure it out. Oh hey check this out!